Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging tool that essentially “takes a picture of the back of your eye.” OCT uses light waves to take cross-section pictures, allowing us to visualize each distinctive layer of the retina. These images allow us to map and measure it’s thickness and help diagnose and monitor retinal eye diseases including glaucoma and macular degeneration.
OCT imaging is safe, non-invasive, and painless. Each eye is captured individually and from start to finish, imaging takes approximately 5-10 minutes. The doctor will have you put your chin on a chin rest and focus on a specific target. Then without touching, a quick flash presents similar to having your picture taken, and the scan is complete!
OCT is a great tool in diagnosing eye disease. Unlike traditional Retinal or Fundus Photography that captures images of the visible superficial eye structures, OCT imaging provides a 3D image or map of the retina. By identifying slight variations in the retinal thickness, we are able to detect areas of abnormality and diagnose retinal disease that can otherwise be asymptomatic. In addition to early disease diagnosis, OCT can also help with:
Monitoring the progression of eye disease or abnormalities.
Diagnosing eye disease in children, which can otherwise be difficult.
Diagnosing other systemic diseases including Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Multiple Sclerosis.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
Diabetic Retinopathy
Other Changes in the Retina and Macula including:
Macular Hole
Epiretinal Membrane
Central Serous Maculopathy
Choroidal Nevus
Retinal Occlusions
Retinal Tears/Detachments
Posterior Vitreous Detachment
During your routine eye exam, your Optometrist may recommend OCT imaging if something abnormal is noted or if you have an increased risk of eye disease. You may be at an increased risk if you are over the age of 50 or have: -Personal history of certain eye conditions -Family history of eye disease -Vascular Disease including Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Even if you are not at risk, OCT imaging is a great way to monitor and protect your eye health. With regular OCT imaging, it creates a baseline reference that your Optometrist can use to detect even the slightest change over time.
At Blue Hills Eye Associates, we provide the highest quality eye care to all our patients. Schedule your appointment today.
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